Robert Downey Jr, the star of Disney's Marvel superhero film franchises "Iron Man," and "The Avengers," is Hollywood's highest paid actor for the second consecutive year, with estimated earnings of $75 million, according to
The 49-year-old star made most of his money from "Iron Man 3," which made $1.2 billion dollars at the global box office.
Former wrestler Dwayne Johnson who starred in "G.I. Joe: Retaliation," and the "Fast and Furious," films, jumped into second place this year with earnings of $52 million.
Johnson was followed by "Hangover," star Bradley Cooper, who made third place with $46 million in earnings.
Leonardo DiCaprio, who had a lucrative year with "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "The Great Gatsby, came in fourth at $39 million in earnings.
And Australian actor Chris Hemsworth, star of the "Thor" series, rounded out the top five with $37 million.
Spots number six, seven and eight, went to "Taken" star Liam Neeson with $36 mi