Iran, powers extend talks after missing nuclear deal deadline

2014-07-19 95

After marathon talks at this palace in Vienna, diplomats agree to continue discussions to curb Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for ending sanctions.

Tehran and the five permanent members of the UN security council along with Germany will extend their original July 20th deadline for four more months.


"While we have made tangible progress on some of the issues and have worked together on a text for a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, there are still significant gaps on some core issues which will require more time and effort. We, together with the Foreign Ministers of the E3+3, have therefore decided to extend the implementation of measures of the Joint Plan of Action until 24 November 2014, in line with the timeframe that we envisaged in the Joint Plan of Action. Iran and the E3/EU+3 reaffirm that they will continue to implement all their commitments described in the Joint Plan of Action in