How To Cure Uterine Fibroids (Myoma) Without Surgery

2014-07-15 1

You Can Cure & Get Rid Of Uterine Fibroids in 2 Months
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What Are Uterine Fibroids - Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids
A fibroid is a benign tumor that mainly consists have muscular tissue and usually grows inside the uterus. Fibroids are also called myomas. Its size ranges widely, from a small tumor the size of a pea to a large tumor almost the size of the uterus.

Myomas are classified into three types, depending on the location where they are found. The intramural myoma, a fibroid that grows in the muscular wall of the uterus. This subserosal myoma, a fibroid located just beneath the outside mucosal covering of the uterus.

In general, fibroids are asymptomatic or associated with just a few complaints if any complaints. If any complaints occur, then the location, size and type of the fibroid are the major factors.

Fibroids can affect nearby structures. They can cause compression of the bladder, which may lead to urinary complaints, or may obstruct the intestine, which may result in constipation. Other complaints can be: backaches, abdominal problems, menstrual flow disturbances.

Fibroids can impede normal childbirth, which may require caesarean delivery. Fibroids relatively more often lead to miscarriages. Whenever fibroids cause symptoms, they need to be removed or shrinked. Medications sometimes cause fibroid to shrink by blocking the production and secretion of estrogen.

In other cases, surgery may be required to remove the fibroid. The type of surgery depends on the location of the fibroid. Sometimes it's possible to remove the fibroid with the help of the tube entered through the vagina and the procedure is called hysteroscopic myomectomy.
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