Lesbian Expelled from Christian College for Marrying Another Woman & Putting Wedding Photo on Facebook

2014-07-13 1

A student at Southwestern Christian University in Oklahoma says she was expelled from the school for breaking a 'lifestyle covenant' by getting married to a woman. Christian Minard, 22, who went to the school on an athletic scholarship as a
star basketball player, says she was informed of the expulsion in a latter from a college administrator the day she returned from her honeymoon.

The pair started out as friends but eventually fell in love, and were married in Alburquerque, New Mexico - where same-sex marriage is legal - on March 17.

She posted a photo of the nuptials to her Facebook page, and it somehow found its way to college heads.

Her expulsion letter said gay marriage is not compatible with the 'lifestyle covenant' that all students sign on admission.

'As an American and a Christian, I do respect your choice,' the administrator wrote.
'(But) I have to uphold the Lifestyle Covenant at SCU and confront you with our position.
'Due to this recent event, you will not be able to attend SCU in the future.'

The school, which describes itself as part of the 'International Pentecostal Holiness' denomination, have refused to comment.

But Minard feels she is a victim of discrimination.
She said many students do not live by the university's lifestyle code, and feels she has been singled out as a lesbian.

'I'm trying to figure out how and where I can graduate,'.
'It's going to be hard to get into classes that may be full, because they gave me very little notice before the fall semester starts."

Minard had planned on becoming a strength and conditioning coach.But her educational and professional is now up in the air.
The incident, however has not affected her own fair.
Growing up Lutheran, Minard said she struggled with her sexuality but is now completely comfortable.
'I had questions, but I worked through those questions,' she said.
'And now I have a strong faith in God. And I believe you can still have faith in God and live a gay lifestyle.'