[UPDATE 04 Sep 2014: Joan Rivers White House Authorized Murder for 03 July 2014 Tranny Statement:]
[UPDATE 28 AUG 2014: Joan Rivers released information regarding Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama)...and is NOW in a coma at Mt. Sinai Hospital...compliments of the White House....of course...and BOTH Barry and Michael ARE CRIMINALS...]
The Medical Science Explanation:!210&app=WordPdf
The startling assertion is that the current First Lady of the United States of America, known as Michelle Robinson Obama, is a biological male posing as a woman.
That anyone would make such an assertion is a mark of how much distrust and suspicion the Obamas have engendered, due entirely to Barack's secretiveness concerning his Selective Service registration, school records (including even his kindergarten record!), and medical records; his refusal to explain why his Social Security number has a Connecticut prefix; and his outright deception about his birth certificate, an image of which he made public on April 27, 2011, but which forensic experts have determined to be a fake. It doesn't help that the Hawaiian official, Loretta Fuddy, who had signed off on Obama's purported birth certificate was the only passenger who recently died in a small plane crash. []