Eleanor Powell~1938~Honolulu

2014-07-12 55

Honolulu, an MGM production, was filmed at 10202 West Washington in Culver City, California in 1938 and released February 3, 1939. The main cast consisted of Eleanor Powell as Dorothy March, Robert Young, Gracie Allen and George Burns. In this short clip from the film, Eleanor performs her version of the hula and is accompanied by the Hawaian Andy Iona and his Islanders Orchestra.
Eleanor, from Springfield, Massachusetts, was chosen at age 11 to be part of the Vaudeville Kiddies Review (as was Baby Sylvia Froos), and by age 17 was on Broadway. She first appeared in a movie in 1935 which she considered to be a disaster and was totally unimpressed with the Hollywood experience. When MGM came courting her for their studios, she made made totally unreasonable salary and artistic control demands to get them to leave her alone. MGM accepted. She delighted 30s-40s audiences with her stunning dancing and her numerous successful films saved MGM from bankruptcy. In Broadway Melody of 1940, she and Fred Astaire danced to Cole Porter's Begin the Beguine considered by critics to be one of the greatest tap dance numbers ever performed. She married actor Glenn Ford and continued to perform until the early 1950s when she became an ordained minister of the Unity Church.
Andy Iona, born in Waimea, Hawaii was that state's most influential musician, composer, songwriter and was on staff with KHS in Honolulu. He toured with Sonja Henie for 12 years and was married to Leimoma Woodds with whom he had three children.