Woman Hit By Lamborghini At Gastown Grand Prix

2014-07-11 30

The Global Relay Gastown Grand Prix is a popular bike race in Vancouver that has been held since 1973. A woman who was recently struck by a Lamborghini during the race has walked away from the ordeal with only minor injuries.

The Global Relay Gastown Grand Prix is a popular bike race in Vancouver that has been held since 1973.

A woman who was recently struck by a Lamborghini during a race has walked away from the ordeal with only minor injuries. On Wednesday race official Gloria Bordon had been running on the track when the car came towards her and clipped her.

The incident, which took place near the finish line, terrified onlookers. After Bordon was hit, she amazingly stood up and dashed to the barriers before racing cyclists barreled down the road.

Grand Prix director Mark Ernsting commented “It’s a really unfortunate situation and we never want to see anybody get hurt. We wish her a good recovery and we’ll definitely be checking with her shortly.”

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