How To Improve Your Google Website Ranking Using Good Content

2014-07-10 24

Boost Website Ranking

How to Increase Your Site Ranking in Google with Quality Content
It used to be that you could optimize a website by using just the right keywords. Using the right keywords was done so that the pages would catch the spiders' (Google robots') attention, leading to a higher ranking.

But what worked in the past doesn't work as well now. You have to change your SEO strategy so that you're giving content that's valuable. Content is king because it's the foundation that your business stands on with search engines.

Good content is what makes people linger on your site. It's what makes them return and it's what makes them tell other people about your site. Good content is powerful enough to boost your PageRank.

If you're still relying on keywords alone - or other stale SEO tactics - and you're neglecting content, you're missing out on the more effective ways that you can raise the level of traffic you get. You'll learn about effective ways to use keywords along with content in SEO Enigma Reloaded.

Falling into the mindset that more is better when it comes to content will backfire on you. It's far better to have five quality pieces on your website than to have fifty poor quality pieces.

Not only does good content create customers, but it creates a happy search engine when it checks your site. The content should have meaning for your visitors - something that they can take away - whether it's informative or entertaining, and it should stick with them.

Timing matters, too. You can't just put something up, even if it's just good quality and then stop. You have to keep the content going. Hit or miss content misses more often than it hits the target - and sporadic posting makes Google value your site less because it's not fresh.

What do search engines define as good content? It's content that's useful to your site visitors. That's what the search engines look for. But that's not all they look at when checking your site.

There are other things that factor into them deciding if your content is good or not. They look at the amount of work involved. A 500 word post is considered more valuable content-wise than a 200 word post. Everything on your site is checked - even the visuals like images or slideshows.

A poorly constructed website that looks like it was put together by an amateur won't rank as well - especially if the content has misspelled words, long blocks of unbroken text or the sentences just don't make sense.

SEO Enigma Reloaded will also show you how to optimize your website so that it helps your ranking. The content on your site has to be targeted at whatever niche or subject your site is geared toward.

If your site is all about custom car parts, then your content should reflect that. If you start having posts that are off topic, then the search engines don't consider this to be relevant or quality no matter how well it might be written.

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