Best Cheap Wine Tested, Malbec, After Aeration.

2014-07-10 19 There is no doubt that wine aerators work, the important question is, "Which wines respond most to aeration, to get the best bargain?" In order to gain useful information for the consumer, bottom shelf wines are being tested with an aerator to identify which wines increase in value after aeration. With this knowledge a consumer can target select wines that have an unseen quality and avoid others that don't improve with aeration. In this video series, The Best of The Bottom Shelf, a wine is picked for testing, at random, from a local supermarket in a price range of $4 to $8. The objective of the test is to determine if or how well, the wine improves after it has been aerated one or maybe two times. By removing the unwanted gases and extra tannins, we can then decide if this inexpensive wine is a real bargain for the consumer. The viewer will learn if the wine improves with aeration, and how many passes through the aerator it needs to reach it's optimum flavor and to go no further. Test Procedure: The wine is first tested for aroma and taste in a "pop & pour" right out of the bottle. The wine is then poured through the Arome Du Vin wine aerator and tested once more. The wine is then once more poured through the aerator, a second time, and graded again. Most wines, will usually improve after the first pass through but don't always improve the second time. Some wines still may even require a third aeration. At some point in the test, any given wine will pass it's point of perfection and start to degrade and begin losing it's taste. That point will be noted for the viewer. In this video the test subject is an Oak Creek Malbec. No year is listed on the label. This extremely young wine had a retail price of $7.99 and a sale price of $4.99. On the initial "pop n' pour" the wine was found be…