Dunya News - PM doesn't meet Article 62, 63 criteria: PTI

2014-07-09 4,449

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has decided to contact Election Commission to file reference seeking disqualification of PM Nawaz Sharif. Central Secretary Information of PTI, Shireen Mizari said on Wednesday that Nawaz Sharif is not Sadiq and Amin.

He has been pronounced guilty in both the helicopter purchase and Ashgar Khan cases, she added, as reported by Dunya News.

Shireen Mizari has said that Election Commission would be contacted to obtain the nomination papers of PM Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz Sharif violated his ten year exile deal and later on told lies to the nation, she said. He is inelgible to hold his office for not meeting the criteria set out in article number 62 and 63 of the constitution, she further added.