Actress Keira Knightley visits South Sudan

2014-07-09 3

Actress Keira Knightley may normally be seen being glamorous on a red carpet, but she recently dressed down for a trip to South Sudan to highlight the severe hunger occuring there.

The 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actress visited Bor camp in the Jonglei State, which has seen intense conflict in recent years.

The United Nations has warned that if the aid effort doesn't increase, 50,000 children could die soon from malnutrition.

Knightley took time out to talk to some of the mothers at the camp.

SOUNDBITE local woman, saying (Sudanese):

"I am feeling so tired inside because people are dying and it's hard to feel hope. I think about it because when their father was alive he was working but ever since he died, I have no way of supporting them. There's nothing to eat, it's very hard."

SOUNDBITE local woman, saying (Sudanese)

"Two of my children died here in the camp. There was a bad outbreak of measles. The children can't get anything, not even milk."

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