Future of Aviation Points to Self-Healing and Transforming Jets

2014-07-09 4

The future of aerial warfare is going high-tech, far beyond what we see today.

The future of aerial warfare is going high-tech, far beyond what we see today. That is, if global aerospace and defense company, BAE Systems, has anything to do with it. In an unusual move, their scientists and engineers recently unveiled 4 futuristic technologies.

One of which is the ‘Survivor’ - a lightweight, but super-strong adhesive fluid designed to be integrated inside an aircraft and released during flight when needed. The adhesive allows jets to heal themselves in a matter of minutes if damage is sustained.

Next on the list of futuristic technologies is the ‘Transformer’. It’s a long range jet that can break up into a number of smaller, individual aircrafts to conduct various missions at the same time.

The small jets could also join back together to form one large aircraft, which will help save on fuel and increase range. The remaining two prospects are both on-board systems including a drone-producing 3D printer and an advanced laser weapon.

The printer will be able to print smaller unmanned aircraft during a mission, while the laser could reportedly engage mid–air missiles at the speed of light.

All four technologies are still in the idea stage. Nick Colosimo, who is part of BAE Systems research and development team, remarked “We are usually quite conservative in the aerospace industry, and rightly so. This will take time and patience which is why we are looking towards the 2040s as realistic date.”