Vority Vigor 3S Lipstick-Sized Portable Battery Charger - Buy on Amazon
It gives your gadget more than 90 hours of audio playback by overcharging. You will have more time to listen to music for more than 9 or 10 hours. Its power will turn off after 3 to 4 hours if your gadget is fully charged.
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It is compatible with gadgets like the Music player, Windows smart phone, battery cases, Android smart phone, Sony PSP, Amazon Kindle Fire, GPS, Bluetooth speaker, Blackberry smart phone and the Bluetooth headset. It is also compatible with devices that are manufactured by Apple, Google, and Samsung.
Buy now at http://www.amazon.com/Vority-Vigor-3S-Lipstick-Sized-USB-charged/dp/B00IR57TLS/