Video Of Shamed, Crying Japanese Politician Goes Viral

2014-07-03 19

Ryutaro Nonomura, an assemblyman in Japan’s Hyogo Prefecture, was caught on video weeping while fielding accusations of misusing public funds.

Ryutaro Nonomura, an assemblyman in Japan’s Hyogo Prefecture, was caught on video weeping while fielding accusations of misusing public funds.

The footage has gone viral and many are calling for his resignation.

One of the issues that has people in an uproar is the alleged spending of the government money itself.

The politician hasn’t hidden that he’s frequented hot springs over 100 times in the past year, each visit on the public’s dime.

It’s said that those relaxation trips came to a total of around 30 thousand dollars, six times the total allotted expenditure amount, which is earmarked for official business only.

Citizens have also expressed their distaste for how the assemblyman handled his public address.

In Japan the culture is very formal and such outburst are considered distasteful.