Clinical Depression Symptoms with 2 Ideas on Eliminating It!

2014-07-03 33

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Clinical depression can strike anyone at anytime. In this video I'm going to share the signs of it and 2 ideas to make yourself feel better.

I remember a while back I broke up with my girlfriend and for the first few days I had zero motivation to do anything. Everything lost its meaning and I was completely lazy. It was like the movie “Forgetting Sarah Marshal”

Have you ever felt that way in life at some point?

Sure everyone feels sad from time to time such as receiving an unexpected bill, but clinical depression or some people call it major depression is when someone feels this way all day long. According to Web Md it's for at least 2 weeks. Now I wasn't this depressed for 2 weeks, but it was a couple of days and luckily I was able to snap out of it.

One of the most common signs of this condition is not having any ambition to do activities that were once enjoyed. To give you an example perhaps someone used to enjoy playing the guitar and now doesn't.

Depending on the song maybe that is a good thing. Don't play “Fade to Black” by Metallica or “Loser” by 3 Doors Down if you’re really sad because those are really depressing songs.

Another classic symptom would be not wanting to get out of bed or do anything. I could remember sitting in my chair and starring out at space for long periods of time. I kept thinking about bad things that have happened in the past. Yea, that is not good right?

Of course when you’re this depressed anxiety about the future can show up and that doesn’t help when trying to get a good night’s rest. Insomnia really is another classic sign. Next up would be a change in eating habits.

Eating lots of food or possibly not eating at all. For me, it was strange because I didn't have much interest in food. You know there is something wrong when someone is like that.

To get over clinical depression I think it's a good idea to trick yourself. What I mean by this is have you ever heard that if you force yourself to smile you will feel happier? It sounds a little cheesy right? If you force yourself to start being active and do anything, then your mind is not focused on what the trouble is and you may feel better.

The way I got over my huge sadness was by forcing myself to stay busy. This included going on bike rides, reading and just doing anything to get my mind off what was troubling it.

Another idea would be taking omega 3 fats. In a Norwegian study with around 22,000 people the conclusion showed that people who regularly took omega 3 fats were about 30% less likely to have symptoms of depression than those that didn't. That is a really big number!

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