Stargate : La Relève (SGLR) mod pour le jeu Battlefield 2 et Battlefield 2142.
Seconde partie (uniquement ingame) filmée lors de la Mod Party 4, organisée par le site
Pas mal de trucs ne sont pas encor au point, mais la vidéo permet de voir pas mal de modèle, animation et rendu de son ainsi que de l'immersion dans la série possible dans ce mod.
SGLR, video taken in the modder's convention (mod party 4 -> This is the second part of the complete video. First part explain (in french) the concept and the asymetrical gameplay of the mod, this is the second part, when I am making a ingame demo. Some default are present, like effect not exactly ended, but you can see models in action, fight betwenn goa'uld and Jaffa. The main weapons are shown (I did not have much time), we made a huge work on effect, animation, models and sounds to give you the feeling to be in the show !
Enjoy ! :)