Ann Coulter on soccer in US: 'sign of the nation's moral decay'

2014-06-28 685

Ann Coulter recently weighed in on the World Cup fever. In an article titled ‘America's Favorite National Pastime: Hating Soccer’, she expressed her thoughts on the sport.

Ann Coulter recently weighed in on the World Cup fever.

In an article titled ‘America's Favorite National Pastime: Hating Soccer’, she expressed her thoughts on the sport. She notes that soccer is ‘a sign of the nation's moral decay.’

Coulter has numerous qualms about soccer. As she puts it, the sport is foreign and is only a fetish among new Americans. She also emphasized her opinion that soccer is popular among liberal moms because it’s co-ed, which allows boys and girls to be equal.

Coulter has an issue with that because she thinks no sport that requires talent and hard work is actually co-ed. In the article, Coulter writes “ In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised.”

Coulter says so-called true sports involve humiliation on individual players. She cites a baseball player striking out at the plate as an example.

Unsurprisingly, many soccer fans around the world have criticized her article.

What do you think about her views on soccer?

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