Another Book of Memories!! (Original Dailymotion Version)

2014-06-27 17

Part 2 of Ms.Ojeda's Memoirs!! This video was & is still only viewable on Dailymotion due to risk of legal action being taken on Youtube & was too large to be released on Vimeo at the time as well as being a victim of the Vimeo Boycott! The same reason applies to the other book of memories for Youtube but it saw a exclusive Vimeo version 4 a while till 8/13/2014 when we decided to release it on Dailymotion just 2 screw Vimeo over & to avoid having it removed incase we are terminated again! Both are tributes to my mother's 4th grade class of 2012-2013 who graduated in June 2014 but she never showed them but did show her fellow teachers. Can you guess their reactions? Every1 claims that the Vimeo version is superior to this video but this video entered development 1st but was finished later due to an accident in the editing process. I did these just 2 clear photo space of my computer just incase I need to delete them. Enjoy!