Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu, is indeed up to wave a rebel out there peeps! While his original blockbuster, Nenokkadine alongside Kriti Sanon, was already high up with some whopping responses at the worldwide box office, its recently released Hindi dubbed version, Ek Ka Dum-1 too is proving to be no less than its original! Yes, yes, yes! As per reports, the film was been shot in locations like London, Bangkok, Belfast, Goa and one hears that the USA box office has already shot up ringing to some mind boggling scores through its opening weekend...Oh my do we mean Ek Ka Dum 1 too has been received similar to the original that rolled on a stat sheet of over $1million? Aaah, you can take it that way! In fact, it's now been tagged as one of the highest Indian grosser in USA! Directed by Sukumar, so while the film is scorching up great heights, do tell us what do you have to say over this success in the comments below!