Another trailer for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles remake was released this week. In which: Shredder has many blades, Megan Fox has a yellow jacket, and there's dubious use of dubstep. Subscribe:
This trailer may get you pumped to see the movie, or it may make you roll your eyes even harder. Is it all flash and no plot, or does it show promise of a good time? Dave and Mark have slightly differing opinions (SPOILER: They're both totally going to see it).
Watch the Trailer here:
And see our reaction to the previous trailer here:
What did you think of the trailer? Reactions around the CineFix office were all over the place, so we're curious to hear what all you thought? Do you think Shredder's costume looks awesome or lame? How do you think Megan Fox will stack up as April?
Let us know in the comments below!
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