05. More Than Twenty, the story of Rototom in 8 episodes

2014-06-26 2

The founders of Rototom landed in the outer boundaries of Italy: Gorizia. It was an important border because it separated the country from the communist bloc.

Some of them knew each other from school and others met up at the end of the 80’s in the town’s first music bar, the Baobar, managed by Filippo Giunta, president of Rototom.

They all lived together in a country house, Villa Sparta. It was precisely because of this that they were invited in the form of “Spartans” as special guests on Daria Bignardi’s television programme about alternative families, “Tempi Moderni”.

Friendship is the mortar that helps to overcome the difficulties and permits the big jump. In 2000 the Sunsplash festival is established in the park of Rivellino de Osoppo (Udine), where it will stay for ten years.

After overcoming numerous economic difficulties, the association finds the time to organize a music festival for two years in Brazil, in Chanoa, Chamas.

Location: Gorizia, Parque del Rivellino (Osoppo Italy), Brazil.

A film in 8 episodes 1991-2014
(Italy, 120', col, 2014, HDV)
Directed by: Tommaso D'Elia, Silvia Bonanni
Assembly and graphics: Simone Pallicca (AMC)
Executive Producer: Claudio Giust
Produced by: Filippo Giunta for Rototom Sunsplash

SUBTITLES: Italian, English, Spanish, French
