Best Baby Bibs With Snaps - An Honest Review

2014-06-24 52

Best Baby Bibs With Snaps Review

Hey it's Jen and today we'll be talking about baby bibs.
My friend Lorette did a guest post on my blog about the best baby bibs with snaps and so I thought it would be a great gift for a friend who just had her baby about four weeks ago.

You can read Lorette's blog post here:

Find The Best Baby Bibs Gifts Here:

Lorette bought these bibs for her baby, Ava.
There are so many things to consider when actually buying a bib. When she was buying baby bibs, before Ava was born, she went shopping like most moms do; she just went and got the baby bibs that looked the cutest but didn't realize there were so many things wrong with them. The first thing was the velcro; when she put it around her daughter, she ripped it off. It's also tiny, it barely covers anything and so she spills everywhere. Hence, if she spills anything, of course, it's going to go directly through the bib and onto her clothes. That is an example of a useless baby bib.

When Ava wears her new baby bib from Maxy Moo Moo, it covers all the areas where she would normally spill on herself. It has snaps so she cannot pull it off. Now, the next great thing about these cool baby bibs is that they are waterproof. If you spill something on them, they absorb it but it doesn't get soaked to the other side because there is a layer in between.

Click the link below for the best waterproof baby bibs:

The snaps are also adjustable, so when the baby gets bigger you can adjust it to the baby's neck. It comes in a beautiful box which contains10 bibs; it's unisex so if you have to get a gift for someone, the bibs are all different colors. This makes the perfect gift and you can never have too many bibs.

These bibs are high quality, they have snaps, its waterproof, and it comes in 10 different colors. When comparing the normal bibs to these, they don't even compare in quality or usefulness. Cleaning it is easy just put it in a little water, rinse it and hang it to dry.


These baby bibs are simply unbeatable. Get the ULTIMATE baby bibs here before they are sold out: