Christopher Taber - Anger and My Gas Petal

2014-06-24 8

The devil, the inventor of the petal
The gas mind you, not the brake
Thought himself quite clever
For he had anger in mind when he designed it
Such a small thing, with so much power behind it
Like a word spoken in love
Or a promise broken
The crushing pain of eighty miles an hour
Spearing you at three tons
So hard your left broken and bleeding
Like the speeding bullet that missed the man
And shattered in to a million miles
Of road, yes the devils domain
That cover, criss cross, and zig zag the earth
The battle of evil and good
The devil and god
The duel of the petals
The infamous brake
And the ever popular gas
One to kill and still the hearts
Speeding along the fate that awaits us all
And the other to stall and to stop
The fate that awaits us all

Christopher Taber