Francis Duggan - The Gentle Giant Joe

2014-06-24 13

He sits in the car and waits for his wife whilst she shops in the superstore
He is such a very patient person he waits for her for an hour or even more
And when she arrives to the car with the full shopping trolley he helps her put the bags of groceries on the back seat
He's a patient and a good husband as one might say a gentleman complete,
Some men with their wives are cranky but big Joe he is not that way
He would not even raise his voice to her if he had to wait for her all day
A gentle giant one well might call him since he is a huge and strong man
He towers head and shoulders above her his slim and not so tall wife Ann,
He did not have a good upbringing an easy life he has not had
His father often beat him and his mother he was not a nice man his dad
But he himself did not turn out a child and wife beater he loves his children and his wife
Which goes to prove we should not blame lack of love in our childhood for wrongs we do to others in life
But then suppose not everyone can be like the kindhearted and the gentle giant Joe
A man who loves his wife and his children and a very nice person to know.

Francis Duggan