Her first child was born today
With blue eyes and covered in red
They wiped him clean, she gave him a hug
And kissed his tiny head
She'll send him off to school real soon
So he learns to read and write
They'll show him what a gentleman is
He'll learn to never fight
Finally he reaches manhood
At the ripe age of seventeen
“I wanna go where my dad was” he says
This being something she never dreamed
He flew out today
Headed for a distant land
To make peace they claim
In someone else's sand
She knows better
She's heard it all before
His dad was there for the same reason
And he's not alive anymore
Six months later
Theres a knock on the door
Deep in her heart she knows
She has heard that same knock before
'I'm sorry to inform you'
Was all she could hear
Her heart has been broke again
Thats twice in one year
From a cold snowy gravesight
She lays him to rest
Right next to his father
That being his last request
Tim Rawson