Creatures From Hell (Re-Mastered) by Vacant Vatican

2014-06-22 18

This video demonstrates how technologies are advancing (communication/nano), but sadly speaking with only its purpose from the world elite organizations is to find ways to control masses by "in-boxing" societies for complete control as it has been set in the NWO agenda. Here's is the re-mastered version (2014). Enjoy it & educate yourselves.
And here... the lyrics of "Creatures From Hell"...

Creatures From Hell
(Music & Lyrics by Noel P. Lezcano)

(Instrumental introduction)

[1st Verse]
Creatures from hell... Infiltrated/ Being Under shells... As they pretend
Creatures from hell... Masqueraded/ Being under spells... Malice intend

Pacing every step they're taking... As they would be braking...
Human kind appraising lines
Marching as they would be hatching... Evil eggs, then catching...
Body, souls.. Attaching minds

Next to you they walking... Next to you talking...
But you, they'll be hawking for some groat
Next to you, they're praying... Next to you they're laying...
But you, they'll be preying for their goat

(Instrumental break)

[2nd verse]
Creatures from hell...In the churches/ They come to tell... The altered lines
Creatures from hell... Come to purchase/ The ringing bells... For you to blind

(Repeats bridge & chorus)

[Instrumental section]

(Repeats 1st verse, bridge, chorus... Then, closing instrumental section and ends)

©2011 Le Czar No Musik - BMI