Survey Says Average American Gets Nine Hours Of Sleep

2014-06-20 761

According to the annual Time Use Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spends almost nine hours each day in bed. The results are based on the answers to lifestyle questions from 11 thousand Americans that are age 15 years and older.

According to the annual American Time Use Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spends almost nine hours each day in bed.

The results are based on the answers to lifestyle questions from 11 thousand Americans that are age 15 years and older.

But the wording of the question in the survey might be misleading, because it reportedly asked what time the respondents get into bed and what time they get out of bed, which could be open to interpretation including activities other than sleeping.

Other surveys and studies have more specific results about how much sleep people are getting, including a Gallup poll from 2013 that pegged the average amount of sleep each night at under seven hours by directly asking how many hours of sleep the respondents usually get.

Statistics from the National Sleep Foundation puts the average amount of sleep at six and a half hours for Americans, which is reportedly less than people in the United Kingdom, Germany, Mexico and Canada.

The Gallup poll also showed that since 1990 people are sleeping less on average than in the 40’s, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced in 2011 that lack of sleep has reached epidemic proportions.