Sandra Soumahoro - What You Do to Me

2014-06-18 1

I wrote this to my husband 6 months after our wedding.
As I sit here thinking of you a smile covers my face, a warm feeling takes over my body.
When you look at me I feel a tingle go down my back and throughtout my whole being.
When you hold me close and tight, I feel as though nothing could ever hurt me, that I am completely safe in your arms.
When you talk, all I want to do is listen as you find the words to express what it is you're trying to convey. It makes me smile inside and out. Even though I don't understand what it is you are saying, I love to hear you speak your language.
When I am kissing you it's as though a surge of enormous energy flows through my veins and throughout my body.
When I gently caress you face, arms, chest and back, I love to watch your body respond to each and every touch. I look so forward to being with you, whether it be for just five minutes or five hours.
As I set here deep in thought, I pray to God that his blessing will be upon us and that we will be soul mates forever.

Sandra Soumahoro