Edgars Brivbergs - Slowly losing her

2014-06-18 13

So many words that I must say
In this uncoloured rainy day,
But it's too late for touching speech:
I've lately seen how life can teach.
I'm slowly losing so how
Can world mean something for me now?

She always made the best that could
In spite of lack of perfect mood.
I didn't notice she was right,
I'm not a prince, I'm not a knight,
Just slowly losing her — this pain
Will never want to leave my brain.

I feel she's very tired of mess,
Which always shares my living path,
In one more minute, hour, day:
The final breath... and she's away.
A new grey life has just begun,
I can't believe, what I have done...

Edgars Brivbergs


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