Tim caffery - Embracing Father Abraham

2014-06-18 14

Father Abraham, lead us towards God's will
Tell us which slaves to rape and which families to kill
Descendent of Noah, born of an unholy cause
Genocide is codified within your sacred laws
As Noah raped Ham, his very own son
Then cursed the boy for what he'd done
Same as Lot taking his daughters drunken with wine
Then when sober declaring, 'It's no fault of mine'
Abra-Kadabra is a joke of a spell
Abra-Ham has turned the world to hell
His children have scorched our sacred Earth
To prove which child has greater worth
And Africa they hate, for kicking him out
Do pilgrims kill Indians then struggle with doubt
Beautiful Canaan, Africa's hollowed crown
By war and empire you've been pounded down
Africa's horn, Abrahams' ground to shame
Call it by any of his children's name
With traumatic violence Abrahams' gagged our Mother
Beat her children so severely, they see Afrikaans as their brother
Abrahams' still rape their slaves, at Sarah's beckoned call
Still cries, they're only answering God's secret call
Father of Many Nations who could ask to be more
Your children worship you like the God of War
You whispered to Lazarus, 'Why should you care? '
Convincing him poverty was God's version of fair
Father Abraham, you exist only to take
Your purpose is found in your shallow namesake
Your ablative force is a Total War Doctrine
3 billion follow and none can stop them
Mother Africa is almost completely subdued
All thanks for this feat are owed unto you
Dear Father Abraham, I can serve you no more
Even if you attack me with all of your war