robert snively - How You Changed Me

2014-06-18 4

I am not the man I once was
I am not the man I could have been
I am not the man that I foreseen
I am the better man
The man one year ago never seen
The man I almost missed out on
Until you saved me
You stole the evil from my life and replaced it with good
You took the mask off my face and revealed me
But for once it was a different me
A happy me rid from my heartache
Rid from lies and fake smiles
the tears and nightmares
Now I am exactly where I want to be
Somewhere I use to dream about
Now I am with the one I want for the rest of my life
All because….
Forty six weeks and one day ago
Our hearts crashed
When they were put back together
There was only one heart
But it needed one last thing before it could heal
Nine days later it was completely healed
And our hearts were one
that is why we are inseparable

robert snively

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