Gilbert Tapales - I Means None to You

2014-06-18 3

Oh! how i wish to see you again
To hug you, To kiss you
To feel the warmth of your love
For my heart was set a blazed
of emotions i can't contain

I am sad and alone
Wishing and waiting
For your thy love to answer me back
Yet all I receive was your futile attempt to answer my love

And when all my love was unanswered
And all my attempt was turned down
I will no longer succumb in thy love
I'll set free this emotion, this link between us
For I am a man of maturity and of honor
I was raised as a gentleman and will die as one
And rest assured I will trouble you no more
And perhaps love you in a distant
Until my heart forget you
And your memories will set me free
And all my unanswered love will die in vain

Yet in this dark hour
Even though my love will not be answered back
I will say I love you
Even though I means none to you

Gilbert Tapales