Sakib Choudhury - Dont Leave Me Alone

2014-06-18 42

I implore to you with all my heart
Dont leave me alone with myself
For I fear whatever it may be that I can do
For though those enticing voices Give me solace
They on occasion like to play with the psyche

Tis well known that solitude is what I prefer
Instead of interacting with those people
For their mundane problems bore me
As they do not know what it is like to suffer
to suffer so much that the only way to end it
would be to consider slowly releasing lifes essence

Alas living in solitude though very peacefull
At times I yearn for the comfort of a single voice
A voice so sweet that it silences those demons within
Putting them into a deep slumber bringing tranquility
Back to this unfortunate tormented mind

And so I beg of you with all my heart
Please dont leave me alone with myself
For without you forever by my side
I shall metamorph into an impregnable rock
Slowly sinking down to the bottom of the ocean
Never to be seen by anybody ever again
As I have embarked on a quest to reclaim you

Sakib Choudhury

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