Serenity Tate - the man i thought had no name

2014-06-18 1

the man with no name

he had no name,
he would stare and smile where ever he went,
but he would never laugh or talk,
he gave a present of love and fate,
he always wore the same clothes and he never had a scratch on his body from the streets,
he never thought of himself but only others,
until one night to dawn he crawled out of his box of carboard,
and looked up to the sky and saw his father,
but his father wasnt a normal guy that died in past,
he was past and future and present,
he was known as GOD,
the man with no name had a name,
his name was JESUS CHRIST,
but that would explain the holes in his hands and legs,
but he had no scratches or bruises from wat i seen,
i was wrong,
he had wip slashes on his back to prove wat he did for our sins,
but they were purified and disappeared,
his body became perfect,
i miss the man with the stares with smiles behind them but if i looked up,
he would be doing the exact same thing i would see him do everyday.

Serenity Tate