It is a city of love and ever lasting peace
Where all pain and suffering ultimately cease
It is a heavenly place that is built on earth
That is a source of unending bliss and mirth
Where we feel God's benevolence and His love
From the doors and gates of heaven above
We are honored Huzur, that you are here
To spread God's love and His message with cheer
For your presence is a source of hope and light
From which we can all benefit with delight
For you are a special messenger of God
Who help us to recognize presence of dear Lord
And you show us the right path that comes along
And that is where all ahmadis truly belong
And God has given you a special gift
Of truth, knowledge, and wisdom's lift
And your presence is a source of blessings for all
That can save our souls from an unexpected fall
And we are grateful to God Almighty today
Who brought you back here in this way
To guide us with your inspiring words and acts
To the path of the righteous by showing all the facts
So we can start a new chapter of life with a heart
Where miracles will appear for a brighter start
And we can feel cool breeze of heaven above
And enjoy sunshine of kindness and love
So welcome Huzur, to Peace Village today
As this is a city of divine's favor in all ways
Where pain and sufferings ultimately cease
With the soothing balm of God's grace and peace
Welcome Respected Huzur to Peace Village