Robert Edgar Burns - Just Plain Queer!

2014-06-18 4

Our images are reflected in reverse
in the mirror. Suppose our words
were too!

My name is Trebor Ragde Snrub.
No name could ere be queerer.
Naw, It’s really Robert Edgar Burns,
For I was looking in yon mirror!

If you think I speak with a forked tongue,
You’re wrong for goodness sake.
I’m not a leaping lizard.
And my tongue is just a rake.

I listened out front
With my ear to the door.
I heard not a voice,
Then I awoke with a snore!

While also sleep walking
I peed in a hutch.
No wonder that thing
Has been smelling so much!

Whether looking in my mirror,
Or raking with my tongue,
If I’m asked where is Trebor
Ragde Snrub, I always yell,
“In the Mirror I am the one! ”

Robert Edgar Burns