The kingfisher first looked around,
Before leaving the nest,
To see the sights that could be found,
To his north, south, east, west...
And high above and down below,
To learn what must be done,
For soon he'd leave, be on the go,
To fly beneath the sun...
And thus aware of all there was,
He ventured all in flight,
With me enthralled and all because
Here was a wondrous sight...
His bold blue wings transformed the scene
That Nature had prepared,
Amid each grey and brown and green,
What sight could be compared?
To me, here was a miracle,
A festival and more,
A precious sudden spectacle
That thrilled me to the core!
Like Superman across the sky!
Like Spider-Man as well!
I smiled and then I heaved a sigh...
So jealous, can't you tell?
Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.
The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Leaving The Nest'.
More Stephen Gayford poems here:
Denis Martindale