Lawrence S. Pertillar - Entertaining Hypocrisies

2014-06-18 0

Entertaining hypocrisies,
Has cost lives.
And hearts too shattered,
Mending them with a forgiveness given...
Is not going to stop the pain.
Nor can words composed substitute truth,
To pretend it does not exist...
By those who live to know the depth,
Of a reality felt to weep from eyes unable to dry.

Entertaining hypocrisies,
Has diminished the quality of life.
Exchanging delusions for preferred deceptions...
Only increases an observed hatred released.
With physical wounds and mental scars exposed to show,
Few are left with hopes to dream...
A rescue from their conflicts anyone prioritizes, comes.
And far too often they are seen being demeaned.
And, pop to fizzle to then bottom out is the culture. Nonstop!

'So cryptic a depiction with no finality to it.'

Oh, but there is.
Entertaining hypocrisies will have its finale.

Lawrence S. Pertillar