Pain is an issue everywhere,
It cradles everyone without fair,
Day or night, it has no preference,
Anytime, anywhere, when someone is in pain,
Something touches the nerve, we feel the pain,
Anything presses the nerve, we feel the pain,
Pain too has the degree of acute and chronic,
can the pain be relieved without pills and tonic?
who would take away this pain,
Even if we cried aloud in vain?
Pain makes us to be handicapped,
As our posture is changed and altered,
Sometimes we hold our stomach,
Protrude our tongues and feel tired,
We have the pain of insufficiency,
Hunger, thirsty and fatigue are their names.
God given pain is alleviated with pills that opiate,
Suppressed pain takes multiple arrows to poke and pierce,
Address the cause of the pain and remove it,
We may live pain free for rest of our life.
To find the cause is the real problem,
arrogant among ourselves we have become,
When we start to dislike our own people,
when we start to live on our own as a lonely planet,
when we start to bottle up the stress day and night,
when we look for the bottles after work,
when we ask for the drugs from the street pedlars,
when we fail to have enough rest and peace,
when we always keep our body in fighting mode,
when we live our life without specific direction,
Our body reacts painfully for its dose of affection,
Be kind to understand one another without reprimand,
We may chase away the pain in our flesh and mind.
veeraiyah subbulakshmi