They burnt my son
my only son
with kerosene
no skin to sight
just the naked knight
he asked for more
Oliver's hunger core
he asked for money
to feed his honey
and babies puny
when i went
on message sent
he was lying in a sheet
just with a piece of meat
which was his
as it added mess
groaning loud
his pain i say pain
it was plain
could you lie
with no skin
i could only sigh
my son, my child
i am his mum
oh, could you come
and tell me the outcome
the beginning or end
of this story which sends
many stories to shame
how could I say how could
one burn another cold
no feeling, eh? no feeling
i just feel reeling
my sense suffer
i am in thoughtless hour
how could, i still wonder
the sight of his agony
you should come wtih me
please lend me your arms
i cant stand this harms
no, not anymore
it sickens my core
i am helpless
i a mother
my child without skin
he has been burned
with oil -he is burning
the touch of inner with the externals
inner softness shirking and shrinking
the cruel world
and his innocent tenders
oh, he cries out
the skin is peeled
the outer world and inner mold
i am thoughtless dear
what to fear
what do i hear
no human schools are here
they dont teach to be humans
only for jobs and just for sums.
lalitha iyer