I'm up early at the crack of dawn today
I'm dressed, I'm ready and feel so great.
I'll have a big smile on my face all day
because my daddy is coming home today.
He'll hold my hand and I'll look so tall
when he walks me all the way to school
and all the children who said I was just lying
they all will see that I have a daddy too.
I'm so excited I keep asking her the time
but my nana says don't be a pest he is only late
my daddy is a very busy man she says
so please be patient, all you have to do is wait.
I've been waiting for the bell to ring
feeling a little sad at my desk all day
but it's four o'clock and it's now ringing
so I run to see my daddy waiting at the gate.
It's eight o'clock and I've been crying since four
I've been so upset I didn't even want to play
but nana cuddles me and says I mustn't fret
she is sure my daddy will come another day.
Chris Zachariou