Alex Butler - Poem I Wrote For My Late Little Cousins Mother.

2014-06-18 21

I heard your voice in my ear, saying it's okay, mommy dear.
My dad and I, we're having fun, he took me for a trip, to see the sun.
Just yesterday, I seen gods face, he looked at me, with so much grace.
He told me to keep my eye on you, every moment, and all of the things you do.
So anytime you're feeling sad, If anything is making you feel mad.
Just remember, i'm here with you, holding your hand, and helping you through.
Shed no tears, for i'm okay, I'm with my daddy everyday.
Daddy says hello, and god says it's okay, You'll be with us both someday.
But until that time, comes to pass, I want you to live, and do it with class.

Alex Butler

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