Deb Panda - When We shall meet Again-

2014-06-18 1

We shall again, raise to the childish Sun-
In adorned courtyard of yesteryear
With fading memoirs of all tears,
We shall meet-whistling meadows, midway summer!

With smiles broad on faces and heart-
Redeem our words, we shall be
Young ever with our dreams,
And through history, lived for thee!

And they were not tired, wait must be!
To reach the doyen of their crafts-
With whose smile, captive is it's servant,
Elevated, left from frailties!

We shall, greet with open arms-
To spread the warmth I preserved -
From the dreadful fire of this life
Heavy with my arms -cold.

Freest soul will be mine,
With warmth of your words, emanating
Out of cold summer morning fray,
To console moist eyes, heart ruminating.

In innocent delight, you shall unfurl-
This frozen heart, out of rain;
For coldness reserved its ploy-
Years to ages, left with the divine!

We shall! with heart pouring in-
Eyes damped, at this account
Accede, words- colours for tomorrow,
My Democracy Rise- with undying faith!

We shall with the sun, inviting,
For strides long waited shoulders-
With leaning head, at your call
For the sunrise -arrival of Yours!

With humming bees, I face
To declare my religion, I don't owe
Allegiance than to humanity-
For you taught me to be true, in dark days!

Words for this ages, hence-
We shed all past, buried to memories-
In truest spirit, warmth we hold-
In humble heart, departed worldly chores!

With whirling leaves and swaying flowers
Rising far beyond the galaxy-
With us above this frail world,
To preserve Immortality; Yours bliss!

Deb Panda