Lady Caroline Lamb - The Kiss That's On Thy Lip Impressed

2014-06-18 22


The kiss that's on thy lip impress'd,
Was cold as parting kiss should be;
And he who clasp'd thee to his breast,
Again can never feel for thee:
The chain he gave-a true love token,
Thou see'st in every link is broken.

Then since 'tis so, 'tis best to part,
I here renounce the oaths I swore;
Forget the past, amend thy heart,
And let us meet no more.

I go-yet e'er I go from thee,
Give back what thou hast ta'en from me;
A heart that knew no care nor guile,
A mother's love-a father's smile;
The thoughts that dar'd aspire to heaven,
Give these, and thou shalt be forgiven.

Take back the ring-take back the chain,
Thy gifts-thy love-I here resign;
Take back thy heart, since pledg'd in vain,
But oh! restore what once was mine.

Lady Caroline Lamb