Praveen Kumar in Shobha Priya - 091. YOU WILL COME BACK

2014-06-18 15

My dear, when you came here,
I did ask why you came near,
For, your eager steps stirred me not then;
The distance you crossed indeed was long
Of faltering steps of love and smile;
You lighted my soul, stirred dreams,
Roused gentle streams of joy in heart
And sprouted new hopes of life as never;
I indeed found life then an aureate soft light.

Alas, all human joys are short lived;
Why you thought you were unwelcome here
And retracted the path back home?
Wherever you stray, you must come back
And grace the place where you now belong;
Come, dear love, and make this your home
And gladden my soul with your little ways.

Praveen Kumar in Shobha Priya