I know her not a bit,
Nor ever dug to her depths
To explore her dark innards,
Nor climbed to her heights
To probe her breath-taking mysteries.
I stood alone where I belonged
And happily drank whatever she gave:
Sparkles of eyes,
Subtle attentions in million ways,
Floods of sweet passions across the souls
And dreams and daydreams unbound and wild.
In pursuit of what she gave,
I left my safe-haven for far away horizons;
I walked in steady pace,
Love and devotion bespeaking in heart;
Farther I walked, farther she slipped
In unending evasion.
I dragged failing legs farther ahead,
No thought suffered me where I may reach,
Nor ever thought what fate lay ahead;
I just moved ahead,
No strength to stop anywhere,
Nor bounce to take any hop;
I went on in uninspired motion
Till I found her raising walls
And teasing me across the fence.
She called me to jump the wall
And catch her at her sport;
I saw her in her game,
Felt sad for my shame;
I turned back as I must
And trod back where I belong;
The game she played
Oft puzzles my heart;
Though no answers I ever get,
I find her ready algate
With new tricks to lure me out;
She lures and I pursue,
She farther slips and teases from across the fence;
I turn back in shame again
To begin the game afresh.
The game goes on in unending cycles,
Never ever our hearts building a bridge.
Praveen Kumar in Shobha Priya