LUVinThe NOW - A Hitch Hiker Tale (Perfumada Brisa...)

2014-06-18 9

Bare with me...

' Perfumada brisa que llego del arenal
trayndo sonrisas y una boquita oriental

Lloro por tu querer
mi pobre corazon
porque to adoro
con loca pasion! ? (ringing out! ! !)

Neighbor yells: What the hell, are you on crack cocaine?

No, but I'll tell you about a night on a train.

Twas I the hitch hiker, in a country far South
I rode on trains, hitch hiked, lived hand to mouth.

One night real late
on a train going far
I heard some locals,
good and sauced,
sing out loud,
with guitar!

I thought it was so great
I listened closely
to remember it straight
like written mostly

Perfumada brisa... it still gives me RISA (laughter)
I remember it so well, so many years after!

There is my tail, it's really not too long
Just another hairy story
why my heart is
so full of song!


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