Nicole GravellPellerino - Two Fraile Silhouettes

2014-06-18 2

Two fraile silhouttes
walk hand in hand
down an old brick road
beneath the frozen city lights
on a bitter and icy December night

The chilly artic breeze
gently kisses thier red cheeks
as they stroll
gracfully through
another northern winter night

The slick city sidewalks
not yet properly salted
soon catch her her off guard
her feet fumble beneath her
as she slips on an icy patch

He throws his
aged, wrinkled but strong hands out
just in time
to catch and save her from
a painful fall and bruised ego

His stong and rough hands
gently lift her to her feet
He gently kisses her forehead
as he pullls her in close
and holds her tight for a moment

Slowly the two fraile silhouettes
walk to their humble home
they relax and fall asleep
beside a warm and glowing fire
wrapped in each other's arms

Nicole GravellPellerino