Deborah A. Bonner - Love, Cold, Hot, and Bold

2014-06-18 19

Love is cold, when I am alone.
Love is cold, and deep as a baritone.
Love is cold and crude at times.
Love is cold, and the hurt blinds.
Love is hot, when it first arrives.
Love is hot, when wedding vows are sworn.
Love is even hot, when children are born.
Love is hot, but cannot comfort a woman scorned.
Love is bold, to hang around when everything folds.
Love is bold; it blossoms with the fragrance of a rose.
Love is bold, even when we are wrinkled and old.
Love is as bold as it can be, in human form.
But, who can mend a heart torn?
God's love is as bold as a lion, and gentle as a dove.
No one can replace God's love.
God's love paid His ultimate price.
When Jesus His Son died and rose again to give me eternal life!

Deborah A. Bonner