She came and she saw my child
Beautiful bundle of joy and kind
Her eyes were green and thoughts gone wild
She snatched her from my arms being unkind
I felt sad that she could not be a mother,
Offered her to help the way I can do better
Promising her tears to go away titter
And let her thoughts not go to wither
What can I do to help her from not being a mother?
Can I give away my precious bundle of joy to share together?
Or can I rent my womb in turn for her joy
And make her also feel the warmth of being a mother
I could see her love for children
And the way she can take care of them in random
Why was God so unkind not to give her, her own?
To spread the happiness and belonging grown
She was just another ordinary woman with all the feelings
Reacting to the sensitivities of the society towards barren ladies
Cried alone and showed fake smiles when she was in a group
Yet, she cursed her destiny and her life that was in a soup
I could feel her sadness and relate to her as a woman
She cried when I said that I would bear her child
Caught my hands and whispered silently in my ears
That she can never feel the child her own when I am around!
Where can I go, from this world afar?
Just because I thought to be kind making her as a mother
To share my space of physical pain for her joy
At the end, I realized I need to say to this thought, a Good Bye!
Umasree Raghunath